Healthy living
Access mental health care
According to estimates, at least 1 in 4 Belgians suffers from mental problems at some point in their lives. So there is a need for strong mental health care.
Air pollution in the home
We are all familiar with outdoor air pollution. We also know that it has consequences for our health.
Antibiotics are medicines that work against infections caused by bacteria. They kill bacteria or inhibit their growth so that the body's own immune system can properly handle the remaining bacteria.
Be careful with endocrine hormone disruptors
There is no conclusive evidence that endocrine disruptors in low doses make you sick or infertile.
Ben the Beaver: song and other material
An icon like Ben de Bever needs his own anthem. Discover the Ben the Beaver song and other material.
CM health consultant
You want to live healthier, with more quality of life. But how do you start? The CM health consultant will show you the way. As a CM member, you are entitled to one free consultation per year.
Exercise in nature
Ever noticed that it is nicer to exercise in nature? Forests and parks make you move automatically.
Good oral hygiene
Healthy teeth not only give you a radiant smile, it also influences your general health.
Healthy living themes
Overview of themes about a healthy lifestyle: exercise, nutrition, sleep, hygiene ...
Mental health problems
Everyone has periods when things are more difficult. That's normal, it's part of life. Being bullied at school, unexpectedly losing a loved one, struggling with a chronic illness... It can lead to complaints such as sleeping problems, stress or a lot of worrying. If these complaints persist for a long time and they limit daily functioning (social and professional), there is a psychological disorder. Some common ones are burnout, depression, anxiety disorders and alcohol abuse.
Movement triangle
For a healthy lifestyle it is important to exercise enough, sit less and stand up more. Use the movement triangle to get started.
Prevent CO poisoning
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that is released during incomplete combustion due to a lack of oxygen.
Preventing falls
A fall happened quickly. One in three elderly people living at home and half of nursing home residents fall at least once a year.
Recovery after Covid-19
You went through Covid-19 and you still don't feel like your old self? Our occupational therapists help you make your daily life easier. What about reimbursements for your medical expenses? We are happy to explain it to you. And finally, you can read reliable information and tips and tricks about Covid-19.
A balanced alternation between stress and relaxation is important.
Safe sex
Making love is only possible when both are ready. That is why it is important to talk about it together. After all, forced sex always leaves a bitter feeling.
Sit less
Sitting or lying still for a long time and using so little energy is also called sedentary behavior.
Stop smoking
Successful quitting smoking requires good preparation and a lot of motivation.