Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?

Happiness Triangle

The happiness triangle wants to inform, inspire and make you think more consciously about how you can feel happy and good about yourself.

The happiness triangle consists of three building blocks.

  • Being able to be yourself
    • Accept yourself. (positive attitude about yourself)
    • Knowing yourself. (Who am I? What am I proud of?)
    • Choosing your direction in life without social pressure. (What do I want? What is my purpose? What makes my life valuable?)
    • Have control over your thoughts and behavior.
    • Be open to new experiences.
  • To be well surrounded
    • Warm and confidential relationships with the people around you.
    • You feel genuinely involved with those people.
    • You know you can count on them when needed.
    • You also support them when they need you.
  • Feeling good
    • You feel 'emotionally' good about yourself.
    • You can experience positive feelings: having fun, being interested, having energy to tackle things.
    • You feel a broader sense of life satisfaction: inner peace, the feeling that your needs are largely fulfilled.
    • Less positive feelings also have a place in this building block: they can and may be there.

Orange sphere

There is an orange sphere under the triangle. That can throw you off balance. That's okay: you shouldn't and can't always feel happy. Sometimes the bulb is larger, sometimes it is small. Know that the sphere is there and don't let it bother you. There is always something that throws you off balance .

Three questions

Three questions are linked to each building block that invite you to think and help you get started. There is no right or wrong answer. But when you think about it more deeply, you may realize that there is something you want to work on.

Being able to be yourself
What do you find important in life?What are you proud of?What do you (still) want to achieve? What motivates you?
To be well surrounded
Who do you find support from?How do you mean something to others?What are you grateful for?
Feeling good
What helps you let go of your thoughts?Aren't you too hard on yourself?What gives you energy?

Tools and exercises

On the website of the Flemish Institute for Healthy Living you will find: