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Travel assistance

No. Never pay your hospital bill abroad yourself. The financial crisis in countries such as Spain and Portugal also has consequences for tourists and foreigners staying there who need medical care.

Because the government in those countries pays the hospitals late, they try to get their money directly from the (foreign) patient .

Are you admitted to hospital during a holiday abroad? Contact the Mutas emergency center within 48 hours (0032 2 272 09 00, 24 hours a day). The emergency center will then contact the hospital to make arrangements about treatment and payment.

Will you still be asked to pay the costs for the treatment? Please contact Mutas immediately . You do not have to pay the hospital bill abroad.

You live in Belgium, but you are dependent on another country, for example because you work there or receive a pension.

Always take a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you when you travel to one of the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. You can obtain the EHIC or document from your insurance institution in the country where you are dependent.

Will you receive necessary medical care during your trip? Then the EHIC entitles you to a refund. After your return to Belgium, deliver the invoices to your foreign insurance institution.

Was it a recreational trip (free time)? Then you may also be entitled to a refund from CM travel assistance . Deliver to CM:

  • proof of reimbursement from your foreign insurance institution;
  • a copy of the invoices.

You can also count on the Mutas emergency center for possible repatriation after approval.

The Mutas emergency center can be reached 24 hours a day via 0032 2 272 09 00 or online .

You can go there for:

  • information;
  • appointments with the doctor or medical team who treats you abroad;
  • sending the necessary forms;
  • administrative matters;
  • delivering medication or aids that are missing on site;
  • the organization of repatriation after approval;
  • the organization of the repatriation of the remains in the event of death.

  • Are you going on holiday to a country in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland ? Report this in advance to the CM's consulting physician. This can be done this way . The obligation also applies to a holiday in Belgium.
  • Is your travel destination in another country ? Then you must have the permission of the advising doctor before you leave . This can be done this way. To receive permission on time, request permission no later than fifteen days before your departure. Are you submitting an application in the first year of illness? Then the period of your stay abroad must be fully covered by a certificate of disability.
  • Do you have a serious illness that can be expected to develop unfavorably in the short term? Then it is advisable to ask your doctor for a certificate that your foreign holiday is permitted. In the event of an admission to hospital or other urgent medical expenses, the Mutas emergency center can request such a certificate.

Take a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you for yourself and your traveling companions.

When staying in Australia you will need to register with a local Medicare agency. Upon presentation of your identity card and EHIC you will receive a Medicare Card. It entitles you to free care in public hospitals and outpatient care.

Ambulance transport, dental care, repatriation and treatment as a private patient are excluded from this free scheme.

  • Costs without hospitalization
    Are your costs lower than 200 euros? Submit them to the competent authority on site. Are you back in Belgium? Then you can no longer submit those costs and they will therefore not be refunded.

    Are your costs higher than 200 euros? Submit them to the competent authority on site. If there is no reimbursement from the Medicare agency (dental care, ambulance transport, etc.) and you are still entitled to child benefits, provide your CM with the application form to receive reimbursement after you return home, together with all original receipts and prescriptions. You can download the application form here .
  • Costs with hospitalization
    Always present your European Health Insurance Card upon admission. For children and young people who are entitled to child benefit: contact the Mutas emergency center within 48 hours.
  • Reimbursement of files lower than 200 euros
    Are you back in Belgium? Then the costs will not be refunded. For possible reimbursement, submit your costs for outpatient care lower than 200 euros locally to the competent authority. Amounts less than AUD 50 will not be refunded.
  • Reimbursement of files higher than 200 euros
    Only if you are entitled to child benefit will almost all urgent medical costs be reimbursed. A deductible of 60 euros applies per file and per rightful claimant (25 euros for members with increased allowance). The refund always includes an additional CM refund.

Do you take medicines with you? Ask the embassy which certificates you need to have in your pocket.

  • There is no reimbursement for medical expenses of 200 euros or less . Within the compulsory health insurance, there is no agreement with Egypt on the reimbursement of outpatient care.
  • For files exceeding 200 euros, almost all urgent medical costs are reimbursed. A deductible of 60 euros applies per file and per rightful claimant (25 euros for members with increased allowance ). The refund always includes an additional CM refund.

  • If you travel to Morocco you need the BE-MAR111 form . You can request this document via the order module . The form is valid for a maximum of three months from the date of departure. Extension is only possible under strict medical conditions.
    This form does not apply to self-employed persons and they cannot apply for it. They may consider additional travel assistance insurance.
  • Do you have medical expenses and is the total amount 200 euros or less? Then there is only a possible reimbursement from the compulsory health insurance. It is usually 75% of the costs.
    For the self-employed , there is no agreement with Morocco within the compulsory health insurance on the reimbursement of outpatient care. As a result, they are not reimbursed for medical expenses of 200 euros or less.

For a trip to Tunisia you need form B.Tun.11. You can request this via our order module.

Provided that your holiday destination is covered by CM travel assistance, the following expenses are eligible for reimbursement:

  • admission costs in case of urgent hospital admission (with the exception of admission costs for a single room);
  • outpatient costs (e.g. for doctor or dentist visits, medicines) for urgent medical care (only for countries with which there is an agreement within the compulsory health insurance);
  • costs for repatriation (subject to prior approval from the Mutas emergency center );
  • necessary communication costs (max. 15 euros);
  • additional transport and accommodation costs (max. 1,100 euros and subject to prior approval from the Mutas emergency center);
  • treatment of the body of a deceased person (max. 1,000 euros).

Assistance is guaranteed for three months from the first day of care abroad.

Some costs are not refundable, for example if they are the result of practicing a dangerous sport. All exclusions can be found in Chapter 7 of the Articles of Association .