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Yes. Online sessions are eligible for a refund when they take place through a secure online communication channel that ensures the minimum conditions and usage rules for secure communication as stated on the eHealth platform .

Reimbursement for a session on BloomUp is automatic for CM members. For online sessions that are not conducted through BloomUp, a member can request a refund using the application form on which you as a healthcare provider indicate that it was an online session.

The first contact is an introductory meeting of about 15 minutes and not an intake interview. The introductory meeting is intended to introduce the user to the content of the psychological care offered and to get to know the professional and his/her working method. This means that no formal intake, therapy or care is yet taking place. The user starts the conversation without any obligation to actually follow further (paying) therapy.

The purpose of the first conversation is to lower the threshold for users so that they can be informed very easily digitally about what further psychological assistance may entail.

Clinical orthopedagogues are currently unable to do this. But if, as a clinical educational psychologist, you also meet the FPS recognition conditions for a practitioner of psychotherapy, you can register as a psychotherapist.

When a member agrees to provide their session details to CM, the member will automatically receive the refund for this session and no further action is required.

BloomUp regularly provides this information in a secure manner to CM, which is responsible for processing the refund.