Electronic patients file
Thanks to an electronic patient file, your healthcare providers can consult your file.
But in addition to consulting the file, your healthcare providers can also share the medical data in your patient file with each other. As a patient you must first give your consent for this.
Where can you consult your health file?
The overarching medical portal is My Health . This website gets its information from other online platforms:
- maintained by healthcare providers (primary care): Vitalink ;
- maintained by hospitals : Cozo , VZN-KUL , Mynexushealth …;
- maintained by health insurance companies : My HealthViewer .
What do you find in your health file?
- Summary of your electronic medical record (Sumehr) : this contains minimal information (contact person in emergency situations, risk factors, medical history, your medication and vaccinations) to quickly receive the right care. This information is only shared between doctors.
- Your preventive population screenings for cancer : the invitation, dates and results of the screenings for colon cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer.
- Your hospital file : from during a hospitalization or outpatient treatment.
- Your medication schedule: consult which medicines you receive and for how long, when and in what dose you should take them. Only doctors, pharmacists and nurses can view and change your medication schedule.
- Pharmaceutical file : Every pharmacist from whom you obtain a medicine stores this electronically in your file, unless you ask not to do so. This concerns medicines with and without prescription, other products (e.g. nutritional supplements), chronic diseases and allergies/intolerances. Some use the Global Pharmaceutical Dossier (GFD) and share the overview of your medication with other pharmacists. The on-call pharmacist or the pharmacist on holiday (in Belgium) can also provide you with optimal advice. This is only possible if you gave prior permission . The data is stored securely in a central database that is only accessible to pharmacists.
- Vaccination data: information about your vaccinations administered by CLB doctors, Kind & Gezin and vaccines registered in Vaccinnet . You will not always find free vaccinations from before 2014. Only healthcare providers can consult this.
- Want to view data about your children over 6 years old? This can be done with their kids ID or eID. You can request details of younger children from your GP or Kind & Gezin.
- You do not have to keep vaccination records or cards.
Manage your electronic file yourself
Healthcare providers who treat you can consult and share your health data via a secure electronic system, but only if you have given permission for this.
This way they can treat you faster and better because they know your medical history and prevent you from undergoing unnecessary examinations .
- Register your consent yourself via My Health or via MyHealthViewer . You register with your electronic identity card and the associated PIN code.
- Or ask the CM consultant , your GP , nurse , pharmacist or hospital to register your permission. They do this with your national register number or your electronic identity card.
- You give permission for: Vitalink, your hospital file and the shared pharmaceutical file.
Manage access rights
You can:
- withdraw your consent to exchange your health information;
- grant/deny healthcare providers access to your health data;
- remove previously added healthcare providers ;
- request which healthcare providers have consulted your data.
Does your GP who manages your Global Medical File (GMD) work in a group practice? Then the other general practitioners in the practice automatically have access to your data. This way they can insure your care if your doctor is not available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Surf to the government website. You will find a solution for the most common problems and a form to contact the service desk.
If you have social rights, you can give a Belgian citizen a mandate to arrange all eHealth matters for you. That person can create a mandate on this government site. The citizen logs in with his own eID and chooses 'mandates in his own name' on the first screen.
Report the problem via the My Health contact form.
As a parent you can register consent for your children on My Health. In co-parenting, both parents can register or withdraw consent for the child, or manage the therapeutic relationships.
You can report technical problems via the contact form on MyHealthViewer .