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Electronic applications for medicines Chapter IV

Chapter IV medicines can be requested electronically.

This allows you to:

  • submit a new application or an application for extension   (with or without attachment)   without using the paper version;
  • Consult all consents in Chapter IV if you have an officially registered therapeutic relationship with your patient.

A digital approval takes priority over a paper document. The electronic approval has more value because it always reflects the most recent decision of the advising doctor.

How do you use it?

You can use the electronic Chapter IV:


When submitting an electronic application for authorizations for medicinal products from Chapter IV, it is not yet possible to fill in open fields with text or laboratory values. Because this information must still be communicated, the system keeps the request pending and a request for additional information is sent.

To avoid this, we recommend adding a scanned PDF with the necessary information to the electronic application.

Example: for gliptins (§742) a recent HgA1c value must be provided. By scanning the standard application form (on which this value can be entered) and sending it as a PDF attachment, the application can be processed more smoothly.

What are the advantages?

For the doctor

  • Your application will be sent directly to the competent health insurance fund and you will receive a receipt .
  • There is immediate error detection , so you immediately know what the next step should be.
  • The application is automatically checked and approval for the reimbursement of the medicine can usually be given immediately . Only in a few cases will the health insurance fund's advisory doctor have to carry out a manual check.
  • The electronic system always supplies the most recent version . So you don't have to wonder whether you are printing the correct version of the official form.
  • You can add reports or research results to your electronic application. Only PDFs can be added. The functionality varies per software package.
  • The electronic functionalities can always be consulted and monitored. This way you can quickly respond to chords that are about to expire or need additional information. However, a therapeutic relationship with the patient is necessary.

For the patient

  • Because the health insurance fund receives the electronic application directly, your patient no longer has to submit an application (including no more walking for the patient and no risk of losing the document).
  • If an electronic approval is granted on the basis of computerized checks, the pharmacist immediately gains access to the data to deliver the medicine.
  • The patient receives, for information, a confirmation on paper of the agreement. This document does not have to be presented to the pharmacist if he consults the agreements Chapter IV electronically.

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