Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?

Did you graduate?

You have your diploma in your pocket and say goodbye to school to enter the labor market. But what do you have to do to stay compliant with health insurance?

What to do upon graduation?

If you start working immediately, you must join CM in your own name. But what if you are still looking for work?

Become a member of CM

Join now and enjoy great CM benefits at an affordable price.

Getting started or continuing your studies?

Are you looking for an interesting job? Do you want to work for others? Or are you continuing your studies?

Working at CM

Helping more than 4.5 million people every day to live healthy and happy lives: if that isn't a job with an impact.

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Become volunteer

Do you want to make a valuable contribution to society? Then volunteering is the logical step.

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Studying abroad

If you are going to study abroad, you must always contact CM in advance.

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Study and work

What should you pay attention to when combining studies and work?

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Study after the age of 25

As a student, you can remain affiliated as a 'dependent child' with one of the parents until you are 25 years old.

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