Head lice
Head lice are very annoying insects, but not harmful to health. They occur all year round. The animals grab onto the hair with their six legs.
Head lice are mainly found in the hair of the neck area and above the ears. As an immune response to their feces and saliva, intense itching can occur, sometimes resulting in scratch wounds. It is possible for lice to be present without itching.
What is the cause?
- Head lice are spread via direct head contact : they cannot jump or fly, only crawl.
- You rarely get lice from hats, scarves, pillows : lice die after 48 hours when they leave the person.
- Lice are not transmitted through pets.
What can you do yourself?
How to prevent?
Unfortunately, you cannot prevent lice.
- Never use lice killing agents as a preventative measure. This doesn't help. The products are also poisonous and the lice can get used to them.
- It is not necessary to wash objects preventively or store them in plastic bags.
- Do not share hats, caps or scarves.
How to detect?
- You usually don't notice lice by holding the hair to one side, because they move quickly.
- Use the wet-comb method to check for lice in the hair. The wet hair hinders their movements.
- Warn people around you so that they are alert and can take measures.
How to treat?
- Advantages:
- the method is effective ;
- it's cheap ;
- you do not use any harmful substances and therefore experience no side effects.
- Disadvantages: it requires time and discipline .
- Ten steps :
- Wash the hair with regular shampoo.
- Rinse the shampoo from the hair, but do not dry it.
- Rub wet hair liberally with conditioner.
- Comb the knots out of the hair with a regular comb.
- Bend the head forward and use a lice comb to systematically comb the hair from the back (from the neck) to the front (forehead) from ear to ear. Press the lice comb firmly against the head. Pay particular attention behind the ears and on the neck.
- Wipe the lice comb on a piece of white paper towel after each combing movement. Remove the lice from the comb with a toothpick.
- Rinse the conditioner from the hair, but do not dry it.
- Comb the hair back again with a normal comb.
- Systematically comb the hair a second time with the lice comb, but this time from front to back.
- Wipe the lice comb again on a piece of white paper towel after each combing movement.
- Important : you need to comb for at least fifteen minutes in total. Afterwards, place the used combs in water of at least 60 °C for five minutes. Repeat combing every three to four days for at least two weeks. If live lice are found, continue using the wet-comb method for an additional two weeks .
- Advantages: the insecticides kill the lice and eggs. Lotions are less diluted so are preferred.
- Cons:
- not recommended for people with asthma, young children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers;
- the products are poisonous ;
- side effects such as itching and irritation of the scalp and around the eyes;
- the product is flammable (only use carefully in a well-ventilated area);
- lice get used to it and become resistant , especially if you use different products together;
- combination with the wet-comb method is necessary after three to four days;
- re-treatment with the same product is necessary after a week.
- Important : never use this preventatively. It does not help, has side effects and makes lice get used to it.
- Advantages: the oil without insecticide forms a layer around the lice, which suffocates them.
- Cons:
- side effects such as flaking of the scalp, itching and irritation around the eyes;
- the product is flammable (only use carefully in a well-ventilated area).
Other treatments such as the electric lice comb or lice vacuum cleaner are not recommended .
- Notify those around you (school, daycare) so that they are also alert and can spread information to other parents.
- Clean combs and brushes that have come into contact with lice in warm water (minimum 60°C for five minutes).
- Never share towels, brushes, combs, hats, caps or scarves.
- Washing sheets, cuddly toys and clothing at 60 °C is only necessary in case of a persistent or recurring lice infection. In that case, you can also air the items outside for two days or place them in the freezer for 24 hours.
- Participating in school, swimming lessons or other activities is no problem .
When should you see a doctor?
You don't need to go to the doctor for head lice. Visit us if you need advice on how to get rid of lice or if scratch wounds cause complications such as skin infections.
The best treatment is the wet-comb method
Elise Rummens
Elise Rummens | prevention doctor CM
Elise is our family doctor. Her hobbyhorse when it comes to health is exercise. That's why you see her jumping, flying, diving, falling and getting up again on Tuesday evenings. Then she has her weekly parkour training.
The best treatment is the wet-comb method