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With the chronic disease diabetes, the sugar level in your blood is too high. Because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.

Type 1 diabetes usually occurs with people under the age of 40. Heredity probably plays a role. Type 2 diabetes is often caused by obesity and lack of exercise. This usually occurs with people over 40.

Gestational diabetes occurs in the second half of pregnancy. The blood sugar value usually returns to normal shortly after delivery. Good follow-up is important. Because it increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes later.

With the necessary attention and an adapted lifestyle, diabetes patients can live a life like anyone else.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of type 1 and 2 diabetes are broadly the same. The complaints occur suddenly and are easy to recognize:

  • drinking and urinating excessively (also at night);
  • dry mouth;
  • blurry sight;
  • constipation;
  • itch;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • weight loss despite maintenance of appetite.

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes occur very gradually. The diagnosis is often discovered accidentally during a blood test.

What is the cause?

The exact cause of diabetes is not known . There are a number of factors that increase the risk :

  • heredity: if a parent has diabetes, the risk increases by 40%;
  • age: the risk of developing diabetes increases with age;
  • overweight;
  • fat accumulation in the abdomen;
  • too little exercise;
  • elevated blood sugar levels in the past;
  • as a smoker the risk increases by 50%.

What can you do yourself?

Diabetes cannot be cured and requires lifelong treatment, which requires the necessary efforts from the patient and those around him. Healthy lifestyle habits can help, especially for type 2 diabetes, to reduce your risk of diabetes.

  • Balanced diet : Eat fiber-rich foods and avoid high-fat foods. Also limit your alcohol consumption.
  • Sufficient exercise : Walking, cycling, swimming or other gentle activities are sufficient. Do this for at least half an hour every day. Do you want to exercise more, but don't know how? Your doctor, nurse or paramedic (occupational therapist, dietician, social worker, etc.) can refer you to a 'movement by referral' coach.
  • Maintaining weight : You will achieve the best results with a healthy diet and sufficient exercise. Your doctor or dietitian can guide you in this.
  • Medication : Unlike type 1 diabetes, insulin injections are not always necessary for type 2 diabetes. Sometimes tablets are sufficient to keep blood sugar levels under control.
  • Stop smoking, get enough sleep and avoid stress.

With proper treatment you can keep your blood sugar levels under control. And you can prevent or postpone complications in the longer term.

What developments could occur?

  • heart and vascular disease;
  • kidney problems;
  • eye disorders;
  • damage to the nerve (endings): numbness, tingling, paralysis and erectile dysfunction;
  • inflamed gums;
  • serious foot problems : prevent them by caring for, washing and checking your feet daily.

When should you see a doctor?  

Because most people do not attach much importance to the first symptoms, almost half of diabetes patients do not know that they have the disease.

If you suspect diabetes, it is best to contact your doctor . He will measure the sugar level in your blood by taking a blood sample on an empty stomach.

Do you belong to one of the risk groups below? Then it is recommended to have your blood sugar levels measured annually.

  • You are over 65 years old.
  • You once had gestational diabetes.
  • You have previously had elevated blood sugar levels.
