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Charter: this is what we stand for, this is what we are going for

The centenary of the National Union in 2006 was the ideal opportunity to update and fine-tune CM's fundamental objectives and strategic choices.

There was extensive debate about this in all CM administrative bodies. The result of the discussions is summarized in twelve key principles, our charter.

Solidarity is the message

CM is committed to the health and well-being of all people, sick or healthy, old or young, rich or poor. Initiatives based on solidarity are the best guarantee for achieving this objective. That is why CM resolutely opts for maximum compulsory health and disability insurance.

Not for profit

Solidary compulsory health and disability insurance must remain the exclusive domain of health insurance funds, which undertake this task of general interest on a non-profit basis. Profit-seeking in health insurance inevitably leads to risk selection and passing on the healthcare bill to the sick person.

No savings on the patient's back

To keep health insurance effective, adequate and stable financing must be provided in the long term. Creeping privatization through systematic co-payment increases and higher supplements is unacceptable for CM.

Full partner in policy

As a full partner, CM takes responsibility for drawing up the policy for health and disability insurance and the health and welfare policy. And that is in the interests of its members. CM counts on more recognition and appreciation from the government for its activities.

Priority for the consultation model

CM is and remains in favor of joint consultation between health insurance funds and healthcare providers. The government must allow that consultation to function and respect it.

Correct management like a good stay at home dad

As the responsible health insurance fund, CM correctly applies the mandatory health and disability insurance. The government must reward health insurance funds that carry out this task conscientiously. The system of financial responsibility must be linked to better management tools for the health insurance funds.

The members come first

CM is there for its members. She achieves this every day with her five thousand employees. Members can contact CM for clear information, proactive tailor-made services, assistance and defense.

Services and benefits with vision

CM distinguishes itself by its wide range of services and benefits with vision. In this way it strengthens the bond with its members and shows itself as a dynamic health insurance fund. Services and benefits that do not fall within the scope of the health insurance funds must be legally restricted and strictly monitored by the Health Insurance Fund Control Service.

With great respect for volunteers

CM is a dynamic movement. As a counterbalance to the individualization and loneliness of society, it offers its members the opportunity to commit to their own possibilities and interests.

Not only the health insurance fund, but also the health fund

CM resolutely chooses the 'health fund' card. With various initiatives, she encourages her members to live a healthier life.

Medical-social initiatives with their own accents

CM develops and supports medical-social initiatives. These must meet a real need, provide added value and be a visible part of the CM services.

Not only in our own country, but also far beyond

Through sustainable collaboration, CM shares its rich knowledge and experience with partner organizations abroad. She supports mutualistic movements that strive for quality and accessible healthcare, based on solidarity.