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Avoid higher tax bills through advance payments

You may receive a higher tax invoice if you (temporarily) stop working or work progressively due to illness or accident.

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You can avoid this higher bill by paying all or part of the taxes in advance.

How does it work?

Each advance payment entitles you to a bonus that is added to the amount already paid. The higher the amount of the advance payments, the higher the bonus.

An advance payment applies for the current income year . Ultimately, you pay less taxes the following year.

For whom?

If you suspect that you will receive a high tax bill , it is a good idea to make advance payments. Do you want to know how much extra you will have to pay? Then look at your tax bill from last year .

Is your situation different from next year, for example due to disability benefits? Then you can make an estimate as follows:

  • Surf to Tax-Calc , an anonymous module of Tax on Web.
  • Enter your sickness benefit next to code 1266 : 312 days x the daily amount of your benefit.
  • Take over any other family income from a last known assessment.
  • You will receive an overview of your advance payments during the first quarter of the following year. You can use this to complete your tax return .

What should you do?

Payment is preferably made from an account in your name . If this is your first time, follow the guidelines below. You will receive a transfer form for subsequent payments.

  • Beneficiary account number: BE61 6792 0022 9117 (BIC: PCHQ BEBB)
  • Name and address of beneficiary: Advance Payments Service – Natural Persons
  • 'Notification' field: information to be filled in varies depending on whether you are self-employed or not. More information at .

An advance payment is individual and must therefore also be made separately for partners.

Have you made the advance payments? You will then receive an overview of your advance payments during the first quarter of the following year. You can use this to complete your tax return .

When to deposit?

It is advisable to deposit 25 percent of the estimated tax supplement every quarter . Deadlines are:

  • for the first quarter: April 10;
  • for the second quarter: July 10;
  • for the third quarter: October 10;
  • for the fourth quarter: December 20.

Payments received after the due date will automatically be deducted from the next quarter .

More information

See advance payments (FPS Finance)

Or contact service advance payments of the FPS Finance 02 572 57 57 (every working day from 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.).