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Annual report 2021 CM Flanders

An overview of the most striking matters in 2021 for CM Flanders.

1. New projects and services tested and approved

1. New projects and services tested and approved

CM Flanders Annual Report 2021

The Olly Wannabe health insurance scheme was rejected at the last minute on the jury table . Which projects made it? Including the successful gatekeepers Nutrition and Sleep . Are you tired of falling asleep or are you looking for the recipe for Olly's banana mousse? You will find all the answers and solutions in one place. In total, more than 44,000 visitors found their way to CM Nutrition and CM Sleep last year.

Those who also set out were people with type 2 diabetes . 60 CM members participated in the group lifestyle program , both digitally and physically. The program is a combination of education and interaction (group sessions, exercise exercises, a cooking workshop, etc.). The health effects? A significant improvement in the lifestyle of the participants. Due to the success, the courses will be continued on a small scale this year, with a view to being rolled out across Flanders in 2023.

And the tooth advantage also got the ball rolling. Since the beginning of January, as a CM member you have received a reimbursement of up to 1,050 euros for orthodontics for young people and up to 1,050 euros for dental prostheses and implants. The crowning achievement was a positive change in a large number of additional leads. Please? Leads, that's English for the previously non-members who were interested in the dental benefit and therefore became members.

2. CM supports well-being from a distance but also nearby

CM Health Fund and the White-Gele Cross joined forces and launched Gerust, the largest care center in Flanders. Today you will find the personal alarm , good for 44,000 subscribers, although that is only a starting point. Offer smart technological solutions for increasing healthcare needs? You can certainly do that!

Would you like to follow a webinar on stress from the comfort of your couch or attend a mindful photography workshop? That's also possible! Since January 2022, the CM Health Academy has been offering a consistent range of physical sessions and webinars throughout Flanders.

Will you help your neighborhood improve health and quality of life? CM launched the digital platform at the end of 2021. Committed citizens, groups and organizations from Flanders and Brussels will find ready-made proposals to improve health in their neighborhood.

CM wants to encourage groups to roll up their sleeves. That's just work! Did someone say network? The network coordinators also started several successful outbreak actions: The Great Walk, UN-LOCK festival, a Health in Focus photo competition, etc.

3. New steps towards a Flemish operation

3. New steps towards a Flemish operation

CM Flanders Annual Report 2021

In 2021, everything was prepared to bring the care lines in the five provinces together into a Flemish Care Line . This way, CM can offer all customers with a care need the same service, from the coast to the Limburg forests. If it is busy in one region, another region will step in. The effective start with one Flemish number is planned for 2023. This way you no longer have to choose a number.

What you did have to choose were members for the General Assembly . A number of volunteers were elected in each zone to help decide the course CM Health Fund will take in the coming years. For the first time you had to vote for your favorite within your province. 1.8 million members received an invitation to cast their vote by letter or online, resulting in these new members of the General Assembly .

Also a new member in the family? Since September 2021, you can register the birth of your child with CM via a handy online form . So you no longer have to go to the CM office. CM will arrange the registration of your child and will contact you for the birth gift. At the start, almost half of the members already found their way to the online birth registration. The success continued quickly: at the beginning of 2022 this was already 84%.

4. Strong non-profit organizations, even during corona

4. Strong non-profit organizations, even during corona

CM Flanders Annual Report 2021

Olly TV may be popular, but nothing beats the 230,000 viewers of Samana TV . Quoi? Samana TV is a talk show for and by people with a chronic illness and their caregivers. Curious about the inspiring stories? Every first Sunday of the month you can watch an episode on EclipsTV.

And did you know that Kazou received generous visitors? His Majesty Olly, ie King Philippe, visited a JOMBA holiday . Kazou Limburg allowed our king to do the honors as quiz master, because the customer is king of course. A quiz question to get started: how many children and young people were able to have a good time at Kazou despite corona? 40,000!

Who else can add feathers to their crown? OKRA , with dot. OKRA received the EESC Prize for Citizen Solidarity for its original initiative Resilience . Only one organization per country received this European recognition. The OKRA volunteers showed that you cannot simply label the elderly as vulnerable. The initiative ensured that the elderly were not forgotten during the pandemic.

Also not to be forgotten: the successful summer of Intersoc . The company's own hotels in Switzerland and Austria were fully occupied in July and August. And that is not all. Intersoc and Pasar are joining forces. Leisure organization Pasar is now working together with Intersoc on walking, cycling and camping holidays that are offered under the Intersoc flag. The OKRA trips for people over 55 are now also organized by Intersoc.

5. CM is loved, heard and read

5. CM is loved, heard and read

CM Flanders Annual Report 2021

What you may not have known is that Leef has his own podcast . In What you didn't know about... you will find out more about Sven de Leijer's sleeping problems, how Lize Spit deals with diabetes, how Ann Ceurvels is an informal caregiver for her son with autism spectrum disorder... Were you one of the 17,154 people who downloaded the podcast last year? If not, then you already know which podcast to stream next.

Pardon me? Listening to it would make it wonderfully clear. Because understandable language is what these editors aim for. In 2021, Heerlijk Helder revised a truckload of publications. In other words, 400 texts were converted from (sometimes) Chinese into understandable Dutch.

And do you know whether you can still pass on the coronavirus after vaccination? More than 130,000 people clicked on this main item from the CM newsletter . That there is a click between the newsletter and the recipient, that is certain. But what also clicks well is , good for 2 million clicks in 2021. That's not all: the reading figures of the Leef website are also on the rise. The new personalization function shows you articles based on your interests. Interesting, right?