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Healthy journey with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes can completely turn your daily life upside down.

Would you like to eat healthier, less stress or exercise more? You don't know where to start? CM, in collaboration with Arteveldehogeschool and the Diabetes League, will help you get started with a lifestyle program for people with type 2 diabetes.

The group program :

  • helps people with type 2 diabetes on their way to a healthy lifestyle;
  • consists of nine group sessions and two individual coaching sessions with a return session;
  • is spread over three months.

CM members receive a one-off refund of 200 euros per person on the paid participation fee for group programs. Members with an increased compensation receive 250 euros.

'Getting healthy with type 2 diabetes' focuses on five themes : nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, diabetes education and Positive Health. A dietician, exercise coach, diabetes educator, psychologist and coach will guide you towards a healthy lifestyle.

Each participant receives course materials and tips. Would you like additional reading material? Be sure to take a look at our book discounts!

Do you have a question about the content of the program? Email [email protected] .

What should you do?

  • Register for the lifestyle program at CM-Gezondheidsacademie . You will find an overview of all locations and dates.
  • The refund for CM members will be automatically deducted when you register.

What are the conditions?

  • You are a member of CM.
  • You are following this program for the first time.
  • You have type 2 diabetes.
  • You are motivated to follow the complete program.