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CM-Hospitaalplan is a cost-covering insurance that reimburses the costs of your (day) admission, the pre- and aftercare during your admission and the medically necessary costs without admission for certain serious illnesses.

I already have CM-Hospitaalplan

Did you know that you have a 1 in 6 chance of ending up in the hospital every year? The costs of such a hospital admission can be high. The costs also often rise very quickly and high for certain serious diseases. We will help you with your tax return so that your costs are kept to a minimum.

Indicate your hospitalization

Have you received your hospital bill? Take them by the hand and start filing the tax return.

Please indicate your serious illness

Have you been diagnosed with a serious illness? Read here how you can quickly report them.

More about CM-Hospitaalplan

Looking for more details about CM-Hospitaalplan? Do you have a specific question that you would like an answer to?

Veelgestelde vragen en antwoorden

Premiums start from 4.22 euros per month and depend on your age. In the calendar year of membership, your premium depends on your age on the date of membership. Afterwards, your premium depends on your age on December 31 of the calendar year preceding the premium period. From the fourth connected dependent, the premium is limited to 2.11 euros per month. You can calculate your premium yourself here. The table below provides an overview per month in euros:

If joining before the 60th birthday
Up to 24 years


From 25 to 49 years old


From 50 to 59 years old


From 60 to 64 years


From 65 to 69 years old


From 70 years


When joining after the 60th birthday
From 60 to 64 years


From 65 to 69 years old


From 70 years


When joining after the 66th birthday
From 66 to 69 years old


From 70 years


The premium will be deducted monthly, quarterly or annually.

Betaalmethode wijzigen

No, you do not have to report your admission to CM's insurance companies in advance.

No, anyone who is affiliated with CM-Hospitaalplan will not receive a ticket for this. So you don't have to bring anything with you, hand it in or mention anything at the hospital. Everything happens automatically. You do need a document for some other hospital insurance policies.