Physiotherapy: nomenclature
As a physiotherapist, how do you correctly apply the nomenclature?
Perinatal physiotherapy
You can only charge for perinatal physiotherapy if it was prescribed in preparation for a birth or in the context of postnatal rehabilitation.
Physiotherapists: frequently asked questions
Questions that physiotherapists may ask themselves about the administration involved in practicing their profession.
Physiotherapy in ROB
If you treat a patient staying in a rest home for the elderly (ROB), you must use specific dispensing codes.
Physiotherapy: common treatments
This concerns benefits in kind included in art. 7, §1, 1° of the nomenclature. The application rules are in art. 7, §10.
Physiotherapy: consultative examination
You can perform a consultative physiotherapy examination before a treatment is prescribed.
Physiotherapy: palliative home patient
Treatments for a palliative home patient that you carry out at the patient's home are fully reimbursed.
Physiotherapy: prescription
A medical prescription is mandatory to carry out treatment and reimburse reimbursable benefits in kind.
Physiotherapy: serious conditions (E-pathology)
For the treatment of serious conditions, patients are reimbursed for more sessions and pay less co-payment.
Physiotherapy: treatments F-acute
Reimbursement is possible for certain conditions as an F-acute condition.
Physiotherapy: treatments F-chronic
For certain conditions, reimbursement of physiotherapy treatments is possible as an F-chronic condition.
Physiotherapy: written report
The written report concerns the implementation of the treatment and the results achieved.