Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?


Together with Copl, an online platform, CM wants to help couples with the social and emotional challenges of a relationship.

How you feel in a relationship affects your mental well-being. Copl keeps the fire in your relationship, or it helps you find it again. But even if your relationship ends, Copl can support you.

What can Copl do for you?

  • Copl offers information, checklists and advice, tailored to your situation.
  • You can speak to the Copl team to find out which expert can best support you.
  • On the platform you can then schedule a video call with a psychologist, lawyer, mediator, therapist, sexologist, etc.

CM members pay only 15 euros for the package with personal support: 20-minute welcome meeting, detailed checklists, tailor-made relationship routes...