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Maternity leave for employees

A father or co-parent may be absent from work for twenty days as an employee. This maternity leave must not be taken consecutively, but must be taken within four months after birth.

For who is it?

The priority rules below determine who is entitled to maternity leave:

1. The father or co-parent mentioned in the birth certificate.

2. The person who legally lives with the mother (a declaration of legal cohabitation has been made at the municipality).

3. The person who lives with the mother at least three years before the birth.

Apply for maternity leave

Request maternity leave from your employer. There is no standard form for this, but you must submit the following documents:

If the father or co-parent listed on the birth certificate (point 1 above) applies for maternity leave: copy of the extract from the birth certificate.

If another person (points 2 and 3 above) applies for maternity leave:

  • copy of the extract from the birth certificate;
  • extract from the population register;
  • declaration of honour, signed by mother and co-parent, confirming that both partners:
    • legal cohabitation where the child has his/her main residence;
    • living together where the child has his/her main residence for at least three continuous years before the birth;
    • there is no blood relationship that would lead to a marriage ban;
    • the legal priority arrangement is respected.

Apply for benefits from CM

After approval by the employer, apply for a benefit from CM. To this end, submit the completed application form .

Provide CM with the information sheet

After you have submitted your application to CM, you will receive an information sheet. Return this completed.
Your employer will receive a request for salary data directly from CM. CM will always let you know from which employer it has requested the data. This way you can check whether this was done correctly.


The salary is retained for the first three days, paid by the employer. After the maternity leave ends, you will receive a benefit from CM for the remaining days. It amounts to 82 percent of the capped gross salary. The benefit is paid out on fixed dates; You can find this in the payment calendar for employees .