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Amount and calculation of your benefit

Employees, the unemployed and the self-employed who are unable to work due to illness or accident can receive benefits from CM.

What conditions do you have to meet, how is your benefit calculated and how much is that benefit? You can find all that information here.

How are my benefits calculated?

The advising doctor recognizes your disability on the basis of the certificate. This will recognize or refuse your disability within five calendar days.

  • You will receive the decision in writing.
  • You will then receive an information sheet. Return the completed form to CM as quickly as possible.
  • Depending on your status, CM calculates your benefit as follows:
    • Employees: based on the information sheet - employer's share.
    • Unemployed: based on the information sheet - part unemployment.
    • Self-employed: based on family burden.

Need help completing this form?

  • You complete part A yourself. Read how to do that here .
  • Part B must be completed by the person who lives at your address. Have your partner, your child, a blood relative or relative by marriage up to and including third degree 1 (brother, sister, grandparents) complete this document. You must also sign this part. Read how to do that here .


How much is my benefit?

As an employee, you are usually first entitled to a guaranteed wage from the employer. Afterwards you will receive a benefit from CM.

CM calculates your benefit based on the information sheet and your salary details . CM requests your salary information directly from your employer and always lets you know from which employer it requested the information. This way you can check whether they are correct.

Important : if you work part-time and receive additional unemployment compensation, make an appointment with the CM consultant to review your situation.

    For the first six months you will receive 60% of the capped gross salary. From the third month onwards, the benefit may not be lower than the minimum amount and not higher than the gross salary.

    • Heads of families: 60% of the gross salary, with a minimum and maximum depending on the time at which you became incapacitated for work.
    • Singles: 60% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the time at which you became incapacitated for work.
    • Cohabitants: 60% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the time at which you became incapacitated for work.

    In the first year, a withholding tax of 11.11 percent is withheld from the benefits. The benefit may not be less than the minimum amount.

    • Heads of families: 65% of the gross salary, with a minimum and maximum depending on the year in which you became incapacitated for work.
    • Singles: 55% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the year in which you became incapacitated for work.
    • Cohabitants: 40% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the year in which you became incapacitated for work.


    How much is my benefit?

    CM calculates your benefit based on the information sheet and any other necessary information. CM requests this information directly from the unemployment services.

    Important : if you are employed part-time and receive additional unemployment compensation, make an appointment with the CM consultant to review your situation.

      For the first six months, the sickness benefit is equal to the unemployment benefit that you would normally receive.

      Is the unemployment benefit higher than 60 percent of the basic wage, determined by your unemployment institution? The sickness benefit will then be limited to 60 percent of this basic salary.

      From the third month onwards, the sickness benefit is sometimes increased to the minimum benefit.

      During the first six months, a withholding tax of 10.09% is withheld from the benefits; the following six months of 11.11% . The benefit may not be lower than the minimum amount.

      • Heads of families: 60% of the gross salary, with a minimum and maximum depending on the time at which you became incapacitated for work.
      • Singles: 60% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the time at which you became incapacitated for work.
      • Cohabitants: 60% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the time at which you became incapacitated for work.

      During the first six months, a withholding tax of 10.09% is withheld from the benefits; the following six months of 11.11% . The benefit may not be less than the minimum amount.

      • Heads of families: 65% of the gross salary, with a minimum and maximum depending on the year in which you became incapacitated for work.
      • Singles: 55% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the year in which you became incapacitated for work.
      • Cohabitants: 40% of the gross salary, with a minimum and a maximum that depend on the year in which you became incapacitated for work.


      How much is my benefit?

        If you are incapacitated for work for less than eight days , you will not receive benefits. This is the so-called caren period.

        If you are incapacitated for work for more than seven days , you will receive a fixed daily amount from the day on which you become incapacitated for work. The doctor states that date on the certificate of incapacity for work. No benefits will be paid for the period more than 14 days in the past when your doctor issues an initial certificate of incapacity for work.

        Daily amounts from February 1, 2025:

        • with family costs: 79.51 euro;
        • as a single person: 63.01 euro;
        • as a cohabitant: 48.32 euro.

        If you have been incapacitated for work for more than one year, you will receive disability benefits. This does not only depend on your status but also on whether or not you close your company.

        Daily amounts without cessation of business, from February 1, 2025:

        • with family costs: 79.51 euro;
        • as a single person: 63.01 euro;
        • as a cohabitant: 48.32 euro.

        Daily amounts with cessation of business, from February 1, 2025:

        • with family costs: 79.51 euro;
        • as a single person: 63.01 euro;
        • as a cohabitant: 54.02 euro.

        Important :

        • If you are incapacitated for work for more than one year , this is considered disabled in health insurance. Your disability benefit is not subject to withholding tax, but the benefit is not tax-free. The settlement takes place with the tax assessment of the following year. You can avoid a high tax bill through advance payments .
        • When calculating your benefit , Saturday is always considered a reimbursable day.
        • For sickness and disability benefits, cohabitation means: living with someone who has an income that is higher than a legally determined amount. It doesn't matter whether you are married or not.
        • Inform CM immediately if your family situation or your partner's income changes . Your benefit may have to be recalculated as a result. If you report these changes to your health insurance fund too late, CM can reclaim or pay an additional amount.
        • Were you insured in different countries and are you becoming disabled? Then, under certain conditions, you will receive a separate disability benefit from each of these countries. More information can be found here .
        • On some days you cannot receive benefits . Read here when , so that you are not faced with any surprises.