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CM respects your privacy

CM respects your privacy in accordance with valid legislation.

CM - jouw gezondheidsfonds

View your data anytime, anywhere

As a CM member you can register at and make the link with your eID. This way you can always view your data.

Easily adjust your data

In My CM you can, among other things , subscribe to our Leef and CM newsletter and adjust your details.

  • Once logged in, you can change your personal information via your profile on My CM .
  • You can adjust your email preferences via your communications preferences.

Your data is safe with us

We process your personal data with care . We never sell or rent your personal and individual information to third parties .


We adapt our working methods to the new data protection legislation (GDPR) of the European Union. The aim of this legislation is to better protect the personal data of European citizens.

Our updated privacy statements can be found below:

Do you have any questions? Contact us here .