Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?

Starting nurses

Here you will find the basic information to get started as a new home nurse.

New nurses will also find links to other sources of information here.

Third party paying arrangement

In the third-party paying arrangement, CM pays the amount of the insurance reimbursement directly to the healthcare providers. The patient therefore no longer has to advance this amount. He only has to pay the co-payment.

Do you opt for the paying third party arrangement? Then you have one point of contact (UCP) in CM, for your requests, approvals and notifications as well as for your invoicing. More information can be found in the 'Contact' section .

Do you settle everything with your patients? Then you can contact your patient's health insurance fund with any questions. The patient must provide the certificate to his health insurance fund himself.


To create your invoice in third-party payer, you need a software package. You can get this package through a recognized software supplier. You can find these suppliers at .

You can submit your invoices to CM electronically via the MyCareNet circuit. Visit the MyCareNet site for more information: select the 'Third party billing' service and 'Nurse' in the sector.

Requests for agreements and notifications

You use the MyCareNet system for applications for agreements (Fixed rates A, B, C, toilet or palliative care) and notifications for specific technical services.

Surf to for more information: select the 'Medical-administrative' service and the 'Nursing' sector. After the application or notification you will receive a message from CM.

Important: all information about the application and use of a RIZIV number can be found on the RIZIV website.

More information

More information about the nursing care regulations and the paying third party regulations can be found in:

If you have any questions, please contact your UCP or your software supplier. More information can be found in the 'Contact' section .