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eCertificate dentist

When paying in cash, as a dentist you can send your certificates for the care provided electronically.


Since the end of 2019, as a dentist you can send your certificates for care provided electronically via MyCareNet when paying in cash .

You may apply this method to all your patients (of course, the regulations of compulsory health insurance continue to apply).

It is not necessary to register on MyCareNet. Moreover, you should not have a therapeutic relationship with your patient.

Attestation on paper remains possible

The eAttest is currently optional to use.

It is possible to alternately use the paper and electronic circuit. However, it is not permitted to certify the same consultation electronically and on paper.

The eAttest does not work according to the opt-in principle. You are therefore not obliged to use it for all your patients or consultations.

The eAttest may eventually become mandatory, but it is not known when.

What are the benefits of the eAttest?

  • You have less administration and receive fewer correction documents.
  • Reimbursement to the patient is faster.
  • The chance of losing a certificate is non-existent.
  • The patient no longer has to make any effort to submit the certificate to CM.

Frequently Asked Questions

    For the eAttest, you must provide your patient with a supporting document showing the receipt number that you received from CM when the electronic certificate was sent. This allows the patient to contact CM with questions about reimbursement or certification. In addition, the supporting document contains information about the co-payment paid and details of the services charged.

    CM informs its members through the usual channels (member magazines, website, newsletters).

    If the application is not included in your package, it may not be approved for the eAttest. Check the NIC lists to see if this is indeed the case. For the integration of the eAttest and all technical questions about your software package, you can contact your software supplier .