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Vlieg erin!

Take your students on the roller coaster of life and strengthen their resilience and talents!

"Vlieg erin!" wants to improve the well-being of students. And not without reason. Well-being ensures that children grow into people who feel good about themselves and are mentally healthier.

Well-being educational package

"Vlieg erin!" is inspired by positive psychology . The package provides concrete teaching materials to strengthen the social-emotional development of students and to stimulate a positive classroom climate. The teacher follows a course through an amusement park with the class. Along four rollercoasters, students receive building blocks for more self-insight, resilience and well-being.

"Fly in!" is the result of a collaboration between CM, educationalist Luk Dewulf ( Kessels & Smit ), teacher Koen Crul (teacher training VIVES ), VIGeZ and VCOV .

Free Primary School Scherpenheuvel testifies

"Vlieg erin!" at school

What is it?

"Vlieg erin!" includes a manual with detailed lessons and activities , background information, tools for involving parents and tips for a mental health policy at school. The separate worksheets are easy to copy .

A poster from the amusement park depicts the course followed through the lessons. The happiness barometer charts the well-being of the class. Compliment bracelets for the students support the appreciative approach of the package.

For who is it?

For the third grade of primary education.

Cost price

  • The package is offered at 35 euros (excluding shipping costs).
  • Extra compliment bracelets can be ordered.

To order

You can order the educational package via this form .

Learning activities

Tailored to your class

"Vlieg erin!" supplies puzzle pieces with which you put together lessons yourself. The package includes 24 activity sheets with detailed lessons and activities . It offers you the choice of working methods that match the preferences and possibilities of your class: class discussions, hands-on assignments, games, etc.

In addition, you can decide for yourself how you want to plan the activities and methods during the school year. After all, the activities allow you to work on well-being for a longer period, a project day or a theme week.

Four themes

The lessons and activities follow four themes, each associated with a roller coaster in the amusement park.

  • The green roller coaster
    Who am I? My strengths and talents.
  • The blue rollercoaster
    When am I happy? The four layers of well-being.
  • The red roller coaster
    What if the going gets tough? Positive thinking and resilience.
  • The yellow roller coaster
    How do others support me? Connection and relationships with others.

The happiness barometer

Both at the start and throughout the lessons you can map the well-being of the class with the happiness barometer. You can visualize the happiness score of the class on the poster in the package.

A tool for calculating the happiness score can be found here.

Attainment targets

The package is in line with the attainment targets of primary education :

  • world orientation (human: me and myself, me and the other and me in group);
  • Dutch (speaking and listening);
  • musical education (attitudes);
  • physical education (self-concept and social functioning);
  • social skills (relationship ways).

Worksheets and info for parents


At the activity sheets of 'Vlieg erin!' also include a number of worksheets. To simplify printing them, you can download them below in a printable format .

Letter and tips for parents

Health education at school is more effective if the home environment is involved. If parents know what their child is doing at school, they can also respond to this at home .

To inform parents about 'Vlieg erin!' and the importance of well-being, you can download a letter and ten tips here to print out or make available via the school website.