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Lanterfantje travels from country to country and makes a fantastic discovery: everyone speaks the same language while brushing their teeth.

While Lanterfantje travels around the world, he learns that everyone speaks the same language when brushing their teeth. Which of course makes it so much more fun!

Tooth brushing song

Tooth brushing song Lanterfantje

This song teaches you the right brushing technique and the chorus is also very nice to sing along, yes, with your toothbrush in your mouth!

Tooth brushing card

Healthy children's teeth are the key to healthy adult teeth.

Teach young children good oral hygiene by means of fun drawings . This way you prevent tooth decay and lay the foundation for good oral hygiene in the future.

Print the toothbrushing card and discover more tips .

Educational games for home or classroom

  • Color with Lanterfantje and bring the colors of his garden back to life.
    Download the coloring pages
  • Lanterfantje wants to brush his teeth but doesn't know how to do it anymore. Will you lend him a hand?
    Download the game
  • Lanterfantje is very hungry, do you know what he can and can't eat?
    Download the game
  • With games, coloring pages and the toothbrushing song, the little ones learn in a fun workbook what is good for their teeth.
    Download the workbook