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Relationship management for healthcare providers

CM has a relationship manager for healthcare providers in every province. That is your personal point of contact.

What can you contact your relationship manager for?

  • Guidance in the context of digitalization
    • Your relationship manager will help you introduce the (new) e-applications for your specialization and organize training, events and study days.
    • Your relationship manager will inform you about the e-tools when there are changes or novelties.
    • Your relationship manager takes proactive actions to support you in the use of the e-tools.
  • Stay informed about changes in the law
    • Your relationship manager is responsible for providing information about new legislation via newsletter, news flash on the CM website or training sessions.
  • Your relationship manager is happy to work with you and your organization.
    • To this end, CM participates in trade fairs, networking moments, LOKs, pilot projects, etc. The relationship manager can guide, support or organize your initiatives per target group.
  • Address structural problems in CM's services
    • Your relationship manager will work with you to explore the options for streamlining CM's processes and procedures.

Relationship managers per province