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Recip-e: electronic prescription

With Recip-e you send prescriptions electronically to the pharmacist.

Recip-e is part of the federal e-health action plan and allows prescriptions for medicines to be sent electronically and securely with the eHealth platform. These electronic prescriptions will increasingly replace paper prescriptions .

Both the prescriber and the pharmacist, but also the patient concerned can consult the electronic prescriptions. Currently, general practitioners, specialists, dentists, midwives and pharmacists can use Recip-e.

For the time being, this system only applies to prescriptions for medicines. Other prescriptions such as for physiotherapy or bandagisterie still have to be delivered on paper.

What about the paper prescriptions?

Since 15 September 2021, the electronic prescription of medicines is mandatory for general practitioners, specialists, dentists and midwives. It is no longer necessary to give your patient a paper prescription unless requested to do so. The paper version no longer has any legal value and the electronic prescription takes precedence over paper.

This obligation does not apply to:

  • prescribers who have reached the age of 65 on September 15, 2021;
  • prescriptions delivered at a home visit, at a guard post or at a visit to an institution, regardless of the age of the prescriber.

In the future, Recip-e will also be used by other healthcare providers such as physiotherapists and nurses.

What are the possibilities?

The prescriber can:

  • view the prescriptions sent to the Recip-e server;
  • consult the contents of the sent prescriptions;
  • check whether a prescription has already been delivered;
  • withdraw a prescription that has not been collected, stating the reason;
  • consult pharmacists' messages on the Recip-e server.

The patient can:

  • consult his electronic prescriptions at ;
  • adjust a pharmacist's access to a prescription (via a visi flag).

Pick up medicines

The patient is free to choose a pharmacy and show their eID there or give their national register number. This gives the pharmacist access to the electronic prescriptions available to this patient and will dispense the prescribed medicines. In the course of 2022, a person designated by the patient will also be able to collect a medicine.

What are the advantages?

  • Less chance of mistakes. (Just think: illegibility of the prescription, wrongly delivered medicine, wrong concentration, wrong dosage ...)
  • Prevent counterfeits.
  • Monitoring the patient's therapeutic adherence (through delivery status).
  • Secure electronic storage of prescriptions until delivery to the patient's chosen pharmacist.
  • Simple formulation of regulations in the trusted software package.
  • Maximum integration with the medical file, so that possible risks, such as an allergy to a certain medicine, can be immediately identified.
  • Handy means of communication between prescriber and contractor.


The period of validity of the electronic prescription is identical to that of a paper prescription.

The patient is entitled to a refund for three months after the prescription has been sent or until the date stated on the prescription . However, the prescription remains on the Recip-e server until the medication is delivered to the patient.

More information

For questions about using Recip-e within your own software package, it is best to contact your software supplier .

You can also find more information about the project on the websites of Recip-e and the RIZIV .