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Care processes

A care process is a collaboration contract between the patient, the general practitioner and the specialist. Everyone hereby commits to the optimal follow-up of a chronic disease.

The care process is an incentive to promote cooperation between the general practitioner, the specialist and other healthcare providers (e.g. dietitians, nurses, podiatrists) with a view to global monitoring and treatment of the disease.

The GP coordinates the various actions to achieve this objective and therefore plays a central role in the care, treatment and follow-up of the patient.

The services of these care providers are reimbursed as part of the care process. There are also specific reimbursements for the patient.

Course of care process

Sign the contract

The care process is established as soon as the patient, the general practitioner and the medical specialist have signed the care process contract.

Send copy to CM

Send a copy of the contract signed by the doctors and the patient to CM's consulting physician by post . In the future you will be able to send the contract electronically.

Start of the contract

The care process starts on the date CM receives this copy the advising doctor registers the contract. The original contract is kept in the global medical file.

Confirmation by the physician

The advising physician notifies the patient and the physicians involved that the care process is about to start.

GP receives a lump sum

Lump sum of 80 euros for each completed care program as remuneration for your coordinating role (care, treatment, follow-up).

Reimbursement to patient

There are specific reimbursements for the patient within the care process. The patient receives reimbursement of fees and specific equipment (blood pressure monitor, glucometer, strips).