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Completion documents for reimbursement of CM services and benefits

CM wants to make every effort to arrange reimbursement without patient intervention.


This means less administration for the patient and it lowers the financial barrier to follow a program.
In this section you, as a healthcare provider, will find the documents to request a CM reimbursement for your patient(s).

Group counseling for eating disorders and obesity

  • Download it:
  • Please fill in all fields correctly with the details of the participants who are starting or ending group counseling for eating disorders or obesity. In the 'Cost price' section, state the cost price for the person concerned, minus the cost price of benefits covered by the health insurance.
  • After the start of the program, provide the starting document to [email protected] if the patient already has to pay an amount.
  • Provide the final document at the end of the program to [email protected].
  • Based on the documents, CM will transfer the compensation to the participant's account if:
    • the program is completed;
    • the participant is a CM member at the end of the program;
    • the participant is in order with the CM membership contribution.
  • Information for CM members about the benefit ' Group guidance for obesity and eating disorders'.

Sleep therapy

  • Download the completion document, to be completed after the end of the group program.
  • Please fill in all fields correctly with the details of the participants completing a CGTI sleep training. In the 'cost price' section you state the cost price for the person concerned, less the cost price of benefits in kind for which the health insurance covers.
  • Provide the document at the end of the program to [email protected].
  • Based on this document, CM will transfer the compensation to the participant's account if:
    • the program is completed;
    • the participant is a CM member at the end of the program;
    • the participant is in order with the CM membership contribution.
  • Information for CM members about the 'Sleep Therapy' benefit .