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Physiotherapy: prescription

A medical prescription is mandatory to carry out treatment and reimburse reimbursable benefits in kind.

The prescription is drawn up by a doctor . In case of complaints about the functioning of the jaw joint (temporomandibular dysfunctions), a refund will also be given based on a prescription from a dentist .

The application rules are set out in Article 7, §3 of the nomenclature.

Mandatory basic information

  • Surname and first name of the patient
  • Surname, first name and RIZIV number of the prescriber
  • Date of prescription
  • Signature of the prescriber
  • Maximum number of sessions that the prescriber considers necessary
  • Diagnosis and/or diagnostic elements of the condition to be treated
  • Anatomical location of the lesions if this is not apparent from the diagnosis
  • Start date of the treatment, if this differs from the date of the prescription

To be mentioned if necessary

  • Justification for a second session per day
  • Nomenclature number and date of surgical intervention for post-traumatic or postsurgical pathological situations F-acute
  • Request for written report
  • Necessity for a physiotherapy session during day hospitalization
  • Necessity for specific sessions of 45 or 60 minutes in the context of an agreed serious condition

If the prescriber does not provide specific comments, the concept and frequency of treatment or the choice of treatment at the patient's home will be determined at your initiative and responsibility .

Validity period

Treatment must start within two months of the date of the first prescription. Only then can the refund be granted. Even if the prescriber specifies a start date outside this period, no refund is possible.

To be added to the certificate for assistance provided

The original prescription must always be attached to the certificate for assistance provided.

If the benefits are spread over multiple certificates, you must state in the subsequent certificates to which certificate the original prescription was attached.