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Perinatal physiotherapy

You can only charge for perinatal physiotherapy if it was prescribed in preparation for a birth or in the context of postnatal rehabilitation.

The treatment of pregnant women or women who have recently given birth for other conditions , prescribed outside this specific framework, must be charged as current treatment , treatment of serious condition , or treatment F-acute or F-chronic.
The benefits in kind are stated in art. 7, §1, 4° of the nomenclature; the application rules in art. 7, §13.


No application or notification is required for perinatal physiotherapy.

Maximum number and nomenclature

You can charge for a maximum of nine perinatal sessions per pregnancy (in addition to any sessions during a hospital admission).

If another treatment ( current, F-acute, F-chronic or serious condition) is running at the same time, you can only charge for one session per day : either the perinatal or the other.

If a first current pathology follows the perinatal treatment in the same calendar year, you do not need to submit an application for additional current sessions.

Personal share

There is a fixed personal share for physiotherapy services. More information can be found on the RIZIV website .