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Physiotherapy in ROB

If you treat a patient staying in a rest home for the elderly (ROB), you must use specific dispensing codes.

The use of specific provision codes is mandatory , regardless of whether the sessions take place in the rest home or outside it (e.g. in your practice room). The obligation does not apply to a session in a day hospital. This provision is contained in interpretation rule 7 of Article 7 of the nomenclature.

Specific dispensing codes

Seat typeType of treatment
Session 20 minutes560571561352563496564093
Second session per day561573561396561573561573
Session 61-80 F-chronic---564373
Overage hearing with reduced reimbursement560615-563533564130
Written report-561411563555564152
Lymphedema 45 minutes
Lymphedema 60 minutes-639472--
Lymphedema 120 minutes-639634--


  • You must state the RIZIV number of the institution on the certificate for assistance provided.
  • If a patient stays in a rest and care home (RVT) with a flat-rate ZIV daily allowance, physiotherapy services are included in this flat-rate. You cannot charge them separately .

Personal share

There is a fixed personal share for physiotherapy services. More information can be found on the RIZIV website.