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Formularium for Elderly Care

The Elderly Care Formularium is a guideline for prescribing medicines to older patients.

The Elderly Care Formularium is a user-friendly online tool, compiled by general practitioners and pharmacists , and aimed at general practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists and other healthcare providers in elderly care.

It is a guideline when prescribing medicines to elderly patients.

  • A selection of medicines and non-drug therapies is proposed for each pathology based on the best available evidence.
  • The tool contains extensive explanation and background information , with scientific source references.
  • Data sheets for the selected medicines provide an overview of the indications, the precautions to be taken, the dosage and any undesirable effects.

The Elderly Care Formulary can also promote communication between all disciplines involved in prescribing, dispensing and administering medicines.

For indications with a non-medicinal approach, it can be an incentive for consultation with other actors such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists and caregivers.

The information is permanently updated based on the latest scientific insights.