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Ostomy equipment

Ostomy equipment has been reimbursed in a different way since 2021: more freedom of choice and better adapted to your needs and preferences.


The way in which ostomy supplies are reimbursed was adjusted on April 1, 2021. Patients now have more freedom of choice and their equipment can be better adapted to their specific needs and preferences. Communication between healthcare providers also gets a boost thanks to the stoma cap .

Virtual wallet

The prescription opens a virtual wallet for the patient. This is a budget with which they can order ostomy equipment through their recognized bandagist.

This wallet is replenished every three months , but you do not have to issue a new prescription every trimester. A new prescription is only necessary if :

  • new stoma;
  • surgery on an existing stoma;
  • changed situation (convex, concave, or exceptional situation);
  • renewal for convex, concave or exceptional situation, after the previous requirement has expired:
    • in the case of a convex or concave system, its use can be prescribed for a maximum of one year at a time;
    • in an exceptional situation, the first prescription is valid for a maximum of six months; in the event of renewal (if necessary), the exceptional situation can be prescribed for a maximum of two years;
  • first set for manual irrigation;
  • first irrigation pump, after a patient has done 6 months of manual irrigation. Depending on the situation (need for certain materials), the budget profile may differ per patient.

Ostomy cap

Patients receive a stoma cap. This is a means of communication between the healthcare providers involved.

The stoma cap:

  • is primarily completed by the bandagist at each contact;
  • contains the regulations and certificates of delivery of the ostomy equipment;
  • contains notes of the contact moments with the patient.

To improve the exchange of information between all healthcare providers, other healthcare providers can also make notes in it, such as aspects of the treatment and the material.

The stoma cap ensures that the patient's situation is always correctly monitored and appropriate care is assured.